Peninsula Podiatry Ltd – Privacy Notice

1, What information do we collect about you?

As a provider of medical services Peninsula Podiatry Ltd is required to record details from all patients. Details may include a relevant detailed medical and family history, medication, allergies, lifestyle and social circumstances and employment details. Also a record of your treatment. We will also hold your contact details – address, contact phone numbers and email.

All patient records are retained in paper form and are held in a locked filing cabinet in a building which is locked overnight. Your information is not shared with anyone that is not involved in your treatment.

2, How will we use your information?

To be able to process and record your information we require your consent. If you are not happy to give consent then unfortunately we are not able to provide you with podiatry treatment. For patients under 16 Consent from a parent or someone with parental responsibility is required.

Your information is used to formulate treatment plans and help us provide you with the most appropriate care and advice.

Contact details may be used to contact you regarding reminders for future appointments, change of appointments or to provide you with information regarding your care.

With your agreement your information may be used and shared when contacting other health care professionals such as your GP or Physiotherapist who may become involved in your care and treatment.

We will only collect the information needed to provide you with the care that you require and it will never be sold or shared with a third party not involved in your care.

The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which covers the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU and its storage within the EEA.

3, The Legal and legitimate Basis for processing your information.

We have a legal obligation to maintain medical records in order to provide you with podiatry treatment. There is a legal requirement to retain your records for 8 years after your last appointment. In the case of children their records are retained until they reach the age of 25.
With your consent, we may contact you regarding information that may help with your care in the form of articles, advice or websites. Also as outlined above regarding appointment information and changes.

4, Consent.

Through agreeing to this privacy notice you are consenting to Peninsula Podiatry Ltd processing and retaining your personal data for the aforementioned purposes. You can withdraw consent at any time by using the postal, email address or telephone number provided at the end of this Privacy Notice. Your withdrawal of consent does not override our legal requirement to store your records for the retention period previously described.

5, Your rights as a data subject.

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of your data, please write to the data controller at the address provided below. You may ask to correct information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to have the data transferred to another organisation.

6, Contacts

Data Controller
Carl Bicknell. Podiatry Clinic. First Floor, GJ Hendras , 8-9 Lemon St, Truro. TR1 2LQ.
Telephone 01872 222258.  email:

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF  Telephone 03031231113

Peninsual Podiatry

Fully equipped Podiatry room, offering advice and treatments in Biomechanics, Diabetes and traditional Chiropody / Podiatry